Kontakt Player Sampling For Keyboard Music Aranger.
Kontakt is a professional solution for editing audio files in the comfort of your home PC. Process and restore audio samples, create master channels and complex sample-based virtual instruments using this sampler.
The interface is divided into several panes, each for a separate task. There is a browser window, a database section and the output pane, as well as other sections, which you can activate or not. Enabling all the panes at the same time might make an inexperienced user a bit disorientated, although it is just a matter of how you organize your work.

While you are able to load and play your audio samples easily, it takes time and practice to learn how to use Kontakt libraries to create your own playable instruments. Fortunately, the program comes with a complete documentation and mouse-over hints to help you get there.

You can work with several audio samples at the same time and edit each one of them separately. Each sample file you select goes to the 'Multi Rack' section, where the new item contains information regarding its category, name, output / MIDI channels and used memory. You can customize each item by changing its pitch, panorama position, volume, or other elements, such as the percussion level, the sound, the chorus options and so on.

The on-screen keyboard is designed to replace an actual MIDI keyboard and allow you to generate new notes for the selected instrument. Another section is the 'Master Editor', which offers you a number of global controls (volume, tempo and metronome adjustments) that affect all your created instruments.
The output section looks similar to a traditional mixing console, enabling you to configure output and auxiliary channels and edit signal processors.

A waveform editor, a script editor, as well as the amplifier module or the internal modulation system, are additional tools to help your process your sample files. Furthermore, you can apply several effects and filters to your virtual instruments, thus enhancing their sound.
Providing you with professional tools for sample processing, Kontakt can help you create your own virtual instruments. This program has what it takes to make you really get into creative sound design.
DEVELOPED BY http://www.nativeinstruments.com/

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MidiZyx2abc is a software program that provides users with a simple means of viewing, editing and converting MIDIs to ABC, as well as generate stats.
The conveniences of a portable app
The installation process is not a necessity, as the product is portable. This means that the Windows registry and Start menu/screen are not going to be updated with new entries without your permission.

It is not going to leave any kind of traces on the disk after you delete it, and you can run it on any PC you are granted access to, by simply copying the program files to an external data device, such as a pen drive.
Straightforward GUI
The interface can be handled quite easily by all types of users, including those with little or no previous experience with the IT world, as the layout enclosed is pretty well organized. It is comprised of a menu bar, a few drop-down menus and boxes, and a pane in which to display an opened item.
Upload items, tweak options and save everything as ABC files
This tool enables you to upload a MIDI only with the help of a file browser, as the “drag and drop” feature is not supported. All the contents are going to be displayed in the main window, while you can also make a few changes.

To be more precise, you can input activate cases, separate channels, beam lyrics with a custom number of characters per line, enable voice declaring and an automatic split, and set a bar line for the upbeat after a specified 16th note.

Last but not least, you can copy everything to the Clipboard with just a click of the button, as well as generate statistics pertaining to the total number of events occurred in the file, and save item as an ABC with or without the byte order mark (BOM).
Bottom line
To conclude, MidiZyx2abc is a pretty efficient piece of software, with a pretty friendly interface. Your input is registered and performed almost immediately, the computer’s performance is not going to be affected at all and our tests did not reveal any bugs, hangs or freezes.
Author : http://www.midicond.de

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Wave Xtractor Editing Keyboard music Program Samplin/ Multisampling Wav export Import PCM KMP RAW
WAVE Xtractor is a handy audio tool with the ability to extract RAW (.Wav) data from popular File formats from within the music industry. You can preview/listen & extract the Wave samples contained in each file format on your PC, and view their Audio Properties without having to load them on to your keyboard first. These include; .PCM/.KMP/.TVN/.UVN/.UVD/.SF2 Files.

It can also Read and create Reports of the Names within the following File formats: (.STY/.PCG/.PRF/.PAD) - ALL KORG PA Series
Furthermore you can also Manage & Organize your KORG PA Styles with the Style Manager. You can 'SWAP', 'Copy/Paste' & 'Delete' Styles.
Software Cool power editing Korg Pa series http://www.wavextractor.com/download.php?get=WAVEXtractor_Setup.exe

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